Thursday, 17 October 2013

Uncut magazine analysis

Front Cover

Contents Page

There isn't a clear header to identify what the page is, which makes it hard to understand. This doesn't follow the conventions of a magazine as you usually find a large header on the page. The content articles are in a large font so you can see the artists names and it helps them stand out.  The size of the font overall is quite small, which for some people could be hard to read and it makes the page look very busy. Also there is a large space full of text about the contributors to the creation of the magazine which adds a different affect because it looks a bit overwhelming.
A header doesn't really exist on the contents page because it is very small and positioned in the corner. It doesn't use any similar features to the mast head on the front cover which makes it seem as they are not from the same magazine. Its also not in serif font like the masthead on the front cover so doesn't follow any conventions. 
There aren't many images on the magazines contents page apart from two close up images of the producers. They are very small and in black and white, which doesn't add colour to the page, making it stand out less.
The colours follow the normal colour palette of a rock magazine; white, red and black. As the article titles are in red, they are clear to readers, but the page numbers aren't, so blend in with the colour of the descriptions and stand out less.
The layout is simple because the articles are all on the same side. I don't really like the layout of Uncut's contents page because there aren't many images, which is one of the first things I look for in a magazine and its also got a lot of writing making it boring.

Double Page Spread

The image takes up most of the double page spread and is very large to show its importance. Also it makes the page more eye catching and draw you in. The image is in black and white which creates a different effect than a coloured image does. It also helps the text and the text colour to stand out more. They both compliment each other well and go together. It doesnt follow the conventions of a magzine because the image covers 3/4 of the page.

There is a limited amount of text which may appeal to some readers who aren't the reading sort and it is also less overwhelming. The heading in very bold and in capitals to add to the boldness. Underneath is the subheading, giving readers some information before actually reading the article. This is also in red which makes it stand out and it fits in well with the other heading on the top left hand corner, which is red too. The first letter of the writing is capitalised, red and large. This makes a focal point for the start of your reading and carries on with the red from the subheading.

Black and white shows the traditionalism of the band and how famous they still are. it also shows how ironic the band are.


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