Saturday, 21 December 2013

Pre Production Planning- photo shoot ideas

The Kings of Leon and the Arctic monkeys are both famous indie rock bands. I looked at these photo shoots of the bands in particular for inspiration for my front cover image. I like the layout of the Arctic Monkeys photo and how its in black and white, while I like how two members of the Kings of Leon are looking in the direction of the camera.           

Front cover

I'm going to take an image like the one from Q magazine for my front cover. Below is the composition for this particular photo shoot, focusing on the band from shoulders up. I want them to look directly at the camera to make it look more intense and catch the readers attention.  I haven't decided whether I should have the band members looking in different directions, similar to the arctic monkeys to show that the female is the lead singer. But this is something I will figure out when doing my photo shoot. 

I'm going to have a plain background for the front cover to make it look more professional and then have a background for the other images which will appear in my magazine.


I like this image of the Arctic monkeys because they are chilled. This is what I would like for my contents page and double page spread images.

Contents Page

My plan for the contents page is to capture a more natural look, such as the band laughing.

I'm going to try and take a picture of the band walking on a road. Instead of having a close up, I'm going to have a body shot to show the band laughing and talking to each other while capturing their body language. 

Other ideas: 
sitting against a wall
leaning on a gate
walking along a road  

My photo shoot will hopefully be outside unless it rains which in that case it will be inside. 


I would like the males in my band to wear denim, leather or printed T-shirts. Clothing with an urban look.I would like the female in my band to wear an outfit based around tights and high boots. This could be something similar to the these images.

Monday, 16 December 2013

I designed this masthead on photoshop using one of their fonts. I got the background from an image online which I then cropped. I really like this design but I have chose not to have it as my magazine masthead because I think it will be hard to design a front cover around. 

Friday, 13 December 2013

Pre-Production planning


This is an analysis of my magazine name to show the idea behind my name. 

 Font style

I asked my media studies group which of the font designs from above they preferred. This helped me identify what design will attract my target audience as the people in my group are the same age.  
This is the design my media studies group preferred. Most of them said that they preferred it because of the I. I do like this design but its not my favourite, I prefer the design below.

    I designed some more fonts but this time I combined elements from my favourite with the most popular one,so i like the design myself but am still attracting my target audience. The most popular design from my new font style was the second one. However I noticed some features wrong with it. Firstly I realised that by having both capitals and lowercase letters I am not following a convention of a magazine because usually a magazine masthead only uses one. This also might make my masthead hard to remember because the mixture between capitals and lower case letters may cause confusion. Secondly, by having the E,G and O in capitals it looks like its two words, 'indi' and 'EGO'. I improved the design slightly by changing some elements
This is the final design that i may use for my magazine masthead. 

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Press Release


On Monday 27th January Bauer Media will be officially launching the new upcoming music magazine, Indiego. This magazine intends to revitalize the commercialised music industry, it uncovers new indie rock bands and praises the legendary; broadcasting the talent in today’s industry. This magazine isn’t like any other indie rock magazine and screams to the untamed youth of society.  Indiego aspire to inspire the young audience to be unique and individual and reflect this unique magazine.Copies of Indiego will be distributed nationally for only the small price of £1.50. There will also be copies to purchase via the internet and social networking sites. This will include exclusive interviews with bands and much more. It’s affordable, enjoyable and will appeal to students. 

Friday, 29 November 2013

Secondary Research- design inspiration

Follow Ellyse Garwood Design Inspiration on Pinterest

This is my mood board of images that have inspired me for the design of my music magazine. The images are slightly random but all have a meaning such as the fonts and colours I like. My mood board was created with a selection of images which I had taken myself or found on pinterest.


Today I learnt how to use pinterest for my mood board. Pinterest is an online pin board where people can pin photos on a board, giving them a comment of what you like/dislike or how they inspire you. I signed up for Pinterest, and pressed create a board which then allowed me to start. I had to give my board a title and a short description about what I was planning on doing with it and why I was doing it. After I had done all of this I could then start pinning photos onto my board. Pinterest gave me access to a wide range of photos, I just had to simply select a category. When I found a photo from Pinterest that inspired me, I pressed the red pin button in the corner which pinned it to my board.

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Primary Research- Audience

I created a questionnaire to help me research my audience. I selected certain questions which I thought would help me do this. To get a larger research audience and make my research more accurate, I uploaded my questionnaire onto facebook through survey monkey. 
Here is my Questionnaire

Thursday, 17 October 2013

NME magazine analysis

 Contents Page

Grabs the attentions of readers who enjoy participating in competitions and to those who like offers.
Flannel Panel
This is an section of the magazine where the contributors to creating the magazine are acknowledge and people get an understanding of their importance.
The font is in sans-serif and is in capital letters to make it bold. Its not the first piece of text which draws you in but I do like the style of it.

The font for 'INSIDE' doesn't correspond to the font for 'NME' on the front cover so look completely different and almost look as if they are from the same magazine. The content article aren't the first feature that catch your eye, which means its not as easy for readers to quickly identify page numbers for the articles. There is a lot of text on the contents page which could be quite overwhelming for readers and lose their attention.
Even though there are a few images on the page, they aren't very noticeable because of the small sizing and are hard to identify what the image is about.
I think the colours on the contents page a bland and slightly boring compared to the use of many different colours on the front cover but they have still used red as the main colour which links well with the masthead.
Double Page Spread
The stars on this page are all looking in the direction of the camera, which pulls the  readers into the magazine. Each star has a different facial expression, one looks like they are shocked or maybe slightly happy and the other two look the opposite and seem as if they are trying to be cool. This creates a mysterious look and makes the readers want to read the article to see what it is about. the way that the background of the photo has been blurred and made out of focus, makes the stars stand out more because they are the important part of this page. The colours of their clothes work well together because the colours on the people on the left match the colours on Jake Buggs tracksuit; dark blue and white. This makes Jake Bugg look more important and the main star.
The text has been kept simple, only using one column and a limited amount of writing. this helps the image become the main focus of the page. The use of yellow for the heading makes it more eye catching and then that's joined by the subheading which is underlined to show its importance. The first letter of the article is massive compared to the rest of the text and is capitalised. This gives the page a focal point and automatically brings your eye to start reading the text.
There are many different colours on this page, which fits in well with the random selection of colours on the front colour and contents page. They have used other colours for the double page spread like the contents page and front cover also have individual colours which makes them have their own meaning.

Uncut magazine analysis

Front Cover

Contents Page

There isn't a clear header to identify what the page is, which makes it hard to understand. This doesn't follow the conventions of a magazine as you usually find a large header on the page. The content articles are in a large font so you can see the artists names and it helps them stand out.  The size of the font overall is quite small, which for some people could be hard to read and it makes the page look very busy. Also there is a large space full of text about the contributors to the creation of the magazine which adds a different affect because it looks a bit overwhelming.
A header doesn't really exist on the contents page because it is very small and positioned in the corner. It doesn't use any similar features to the mast head on the front cover which makes it seem as they are not from the same magazine. Its also not in serif font like the masthead on the front cover so doesn't follow any conventions. 
There aren't many images on the magazines contents page apart from two close up images of the producers. They are very small and in black and white, which doesn't add colour to the page, making it stand out less.
The colours follow the normal colour palette of a rock magazine; white, red and black. As the article titles are in red, they are clear to readers, but the page numbers aren't, so blend in with the colour of the descriptions and stand out less.
The layout is simple because the articles are all on the same side. I don't really like the layout of Uncut's contents page because there aren't many images, which is one of the first things I look for in a magazine and its also got a lot of writing making it boring.

Double Page Spread

The image takes up most of the double page spread and is very large to show its importance. Also it makes the page more eye catching and draw you in. The image is in black and white which creates a different effect than a coloured image does. It also helps the text and the text colour to stand out more. They both compliment each other well and go together. It doesnt follow the conventions of a magzine because the image covers 3/4 of the page.

There is a limited amount of text which may appeal to some readers who aren't the reading sort and it is also less overwhelming. The heading in very bold and in capitals to add to the boldness. Underneath is the subheading, giving readers some information before actually reading the article. This is also in red which makes it stand out and it fits in well with the other heading on the top left hand corner, which is red too. The first letter of the writing is capitalised, red and large. This makes a focal point for the start of your reading and carries on with the red from the subheading.

Black and white shows the traditionalism of the band and how famous they still are. it also shows how ironic the band are.


Primary Research-magazine analysis


Q Magazine

Front Cover

Contents Page

The main colours are red, white and grey which continues on from the front cover, to show that they are from the same magazine. The colour scheme clearly shows that the magazine belongs in the music genre because red and black are usually associated with indie and rock. The page numbers are clear and easily noticeable because they are in the same colour as the word 'CONENTS'.

Large text is used for the titles to highlight the artists clearly and are put in bold to show their significance in the magazine. This is also helped by making the titles red. The descriptions underneath the titles give readers extra information and an idea of what the magazine has to offer inside. Its in a small serif font, adding class to the magazine.

The contents list is aligned to the bottom half of the page in three small columns, which makes it clearer for the target audience.  

The main image doesn't follow the conventions of a magazine because the lead singer from the arctic monkeys isn't looking directly in the camera. However the smaller images located underneath the main image show the band doing this. The main image takes up two columns so readers assume that they are the artists being interviewed. The small images are full body shots to show the way the band members are standing. this also makes the main image striking because head shots are more powerful.

Double Page Spread

The main image is fairly large and has a lot of colours. I like the way the dancers are in a red colour and blend in with the background. This makes Lady Gaga the main focus of the image. The image is followed by a smaller image of Lady Gaga by herself. The position that she is in shows us how much of a star she is and her power in the music industry. 

The fact that Lady Gaga is so well known, you dont need to have a bold striking headline to identify her as you already know by the image. Lady Gaga is written in capitals but is highlighted so people who dont know her by the image, have a clear understanding. The 'I' at the begining of the text is bold to highlight where to start reading. It is also in a similar style as the 'Q' logo becasue its in the centre of a square, with the same colour scheme. They have followed the conventions of a m,agazine becasue the magazine is layed out in three coloums, which is clear and keeps the page organised. The writing in the article is small which you also usually see in a magazine.    

The colours follow the housestyle conventions becasue they have used red and white as the the main colours. This links the double page spread with the front cover and makes it part of the magazine. The backing dancers in the image have a pink light over them and if you mix white and red together it makes pink. This matches in with the rest of the colour scheme.

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Contents page evaluation


How does your media product represent particular social groups?

My contents page is similar in the way it reperesnts the social group to my front cover. I have used the same model to feature on my contents page, so it still creates the same effect. I took the photo in a more natural positon, this makes it look like she is singing into the paint, which represents both music and art students.

How did you attract/address your audience?

From the research I carried out i found out that most readers like to see lots of images in a magazine. I decided to add an extra two images to my contents page to attract readers.One of the images will hopefully attract music students inparticular. I kept the layout quite simple as sometimes people are drawn away by lots of writing.

Front cover evaluation



The model on my front cover is currently a college student. This represents the particular social group I’m focusing on, which is art and music students. The model which has featured in my magazine fits in my social group because she is studying A level art and plays a lot of music. My mast head also represents the social group because ‘EXPLODE’ means exploding with colour and creativity, such as within art and music.

How did you attract/address your audience?

When I collected my questionnaire results I found out that colour is the main element that attracts people to a magazine. In the process of producing my magazine I tried to add as much colour to the front cover as possible, but this was hard because my image wasn’t that colourful. So instead I made my masthead bold, in a large block font.

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

In design!




Contents Page


I have many ideas for my contents page, all in which fit in with my front cover.
As my magazine is about art and music, I'm going to include an image of local band; Killamonjambo. The band is originally from Norwich, which is the reason I want to show them in my magazine. This is because it shows college students to follow their dreams and express their talents, giving them inspiration to do this. The image will medium size with a brief explanation of the band. I took these images myself when I went to see them live at a festival, they were AWESOME!

Over the weekend I done a paint photoshoot with my model, Molly. It was so funny doing this, we literally laughed our heads off. I squirted paint over her, getting her to pose in a certain way which I thought worked best with my front cover and creates a good contents image.
Here a some of the photos I took...


I experimented with a range of body shoots, some close ups and mid shoots.
During the photoshoot I took some pictures for my front cover. I wasn't as pleased with the turn out compared with my beginning photo, so that's why I'm going to keep it as it is now.

The lighting wasn't that good, which made the image focus less and cause the hair to slightly blend in with the sky. I much preferred the brick wall background on my other photo to this.


Thursday, 3 October 2013

Front cover


Finished Front Cover!

Finished Contents Page!

Sunday, 29 September 2013

Front Cover

This week Im experimenting with photoshop, to create my magazine front cover. As I have never used photoshop before, I will be learning how to use different tools by watching YouTube videos, to help me become an expert. Although Im not actually using this image, I used it for my editing, to help me understand photoshop much better. At a later date, I will eventually use an image of my model covered in paint, and just replace it with my previous image.
Of all the photos I have taken, this is my favourite and I'm going to use it for my front cover. I love how my model, Molly looks dramatic but happy at the same time because she has her mouth slightly open, giving a tiny smile. This could give of the impression that she enjoys college. I think this could have the potential in selling well, if I ever was to sell it.

Photoshop Editing

These are screenshots of my magazine cover in progress!

Firstly I changed the brightness and contrast of the image, to make the model stand out and grab the attention of readers.

I selected a variey of fonts that i liked and then chose my final font from them for my magazine masthead.

 I then added a date to my cover to show my readers when it was produced.
I changed the date because I decided my front cover looked like it belonged with September as it has autumn colours. I also came up with a cover line which represents my magazine. The reason I decided to use this cover line is because my masthead is 'EXPLODE', so its all about letting yourself be free with art and music. Then I added a barcode even though my magazine is free because its follow the conventions of a magazine.
After debating whether to put a buzz word on my magazine, I finally decided to involve one in my magazine as most magazines have one.
I have recently done a photoshoot with paint to update my front cover. Will doing this I decided that I'm going to keep the image as it is, because it turned out better and I prefer the final image. But I will be using my recent images as my content page. I think this works better because when you open my magazine, the model goes from being normal to having paint all over her, making the readers more
 intrigued and giving it more of a meaning.

Here is another photo I took before deciding my front cover image. They were both taken at college, so fit well with a college magazine.
Above is a image I took before taking the other photos. I thought I would just show you the different positions I got the model to do. This didn't really work as well as the others because my model wasn't looking directly into the camera which creates a different affect on the readers, instead of drawing them in.