Saturday, 21 December 2013

Pre Production Planning- photo shoot ideas

The Kings of Leon and the Arctic monkeys are both famous indie rock bands. I looked at these photo shoots of the bands in particular for inspiration for my front cover image. I like the layout of the Arctic Monkeys photo and how its in black and white, while I like how two members of the Kings of Leon are looking in the direction of the camera.           

Front cover

I'm going to take an image like the one from Q magazine for my front cover. Below is the composition for this particular photo shoot, focusing on the band from shoulders up. I want them to look directly at the camera to make it look more intense and catch the readers attention.  I haven't decided whether I should have the band members looking in different directions, similar to the arctic monkeys to show that the female is the lead singer. But this is something I will figure out when doing my photo shoot. 

I'm going to have a plain background for the front cover to make it look more professional and then have a background for the other images which will appear in my magazine.


I like this image of the Arctic monkeys because they are chilled. This is what I would like for my contents page and double page spread images.

Contents Page

My plan for the contents page is to capture a more natural look, such as the band laughing.

I'm going to try and take a picture of the band walking on a road. Instead of having a close up, I'm going to have a body shot to show the band laughing and talking to each other while capturing their body language. 

Other ideas: 
sitting against a wall
leaning on a gate
walking along a road  

My photo shoot will hopefully be outside unless it rains which in that case it will be inside. 


I would like the males in my band to wear denim, leather or printed T-shirts. Clothing with an urban look.I would like the female in my band to wear an outfit based around tights and high boots. This could be something similar to the these images.

Monday, 16 December 2013

I designed this masthead on photoshop using one of their fonts. I got the background from an image online which I then cropped. I really like this design but I have chose not to have it as my magazine masthead because I think it will be hard to design a front cover around. 

Friday, 13 December 2013

Pre-Production planning


This is an analysis of my magazine name to show the idea behind my name. 

 Font style

I asked my media studies group which of the font designs from above they preferred. This helped me identify what design will attract my target audience as the people in my group are the same age.  
This is the design my media studies group preferred. Most of them said that they preferred it because of the I. I do like this design but its not my favourite, I prefer the design below.

    I designed some more fonts but this time I combined elements from my favourite with the most popular one,so i like the design myself but am still attracting my target audience. The most popular design from my new font style was the second one. However I noticed some features wrong with it. Firstly I realised that by having both capitals and lowercase letters I am not following a convention of a magazine because usually a magazine masthead only uses one. This also might make my masthead hard to remember because the mixture between capitals and lower case letters may cause confusion. Secondly, by having the E,G and O in capitals it looks like its two words, 'indi' and 'EGO'. I improved the design slightly by changing some elements
This is the final design that i may use for my magazine masthead. 

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Press Release


On Monday 27th January Bauer Media will be officially launching the new upcoming music magazine, Indiego. This magazine intends to revitalize the commercialised music industry, it uncovers new indie rock bands and praises the legendary; broadcasting the talent in today’s industry. This magazine isn’t like any other indie rock magazine and screams to the untamed youth of society.  Indiego aspire to inspire the young audience to be unique and individual and reflect this unique magazine.Copies of Indiego will be distributed nationally for only the small price of £1.50. There will also be copies to purchase via the internet and social networking sites. This will include exclusive interviews with bands and much more. It’s affordable, enjoyable and will appeal to students.